

R&D FIA - future information architectures.
LIQUID multidimensional knowledge spaces.
IN.IT intelligent networks information technology.
Interactive entertainment and edutainment networks.
Industrial control and management systems.
Linked Data spaces and environments.
Machine reasoning and inference.

R&D FII - future information interfaces.
Advanced gesture based and immersive interfaces.
MESCAP mental space capsules.
THINKTANK group space capsules.
ANANSY brain spaces.
Embedded hardware, chip to system level.
Wearable personal and hypernet systems.
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There was this burning request of any, any method of producing time-based visual media from dreams and visions.
Visions and abstract symbolic material are very hard and often impossible to improvise and record with the usual cameras.
And there was this artistic vision of a feedback loop "outside" the usual visual world around us.
A form of abstract meditation, not hindered by thoughts about tools, methods, form and structure.
Research and development resulted in an iOS app named XAN - piXel ANimation as more and more researchers and artists requested worldwide availability.
We call XAN's medium spacetime.
XAN enables frame by frame animations and to draw live into the playing animation, according to the two topics.
And the mind camera was realised by enabling export of the binary spactime into usual mpeg4 containers with the option of pure binary or rendered light visualization. The resulting clips are assembled just as usual video material with video editors. So XAN is also used by our VJs who use XAN videos raw but also als moving chroma-key masks and for superfast storyboarding, where protos can be edited that already give a good impression of dramaturgy and most important, pace.
But XAN is also used for producing digital graffiti and fast sketching.
Over time the combination of this two topics into one approach generated even more interesting experiments performed with XAN.


First there was "only" the request for mobile project documentation.
E-books become abandoned for the lack of non-linear accessibility and for the need to manage the whole media library and overall design with other tools. Furthermore we wanted to be able to add content very very fast while "in the field".
Then the first brainstorming session exploded with requests for including interviews, photos, text, blueprints, renderings, videos, and yes, even napkin sketches.
And there was even a dream regarding navigation by flowing through a photo into the depicted scene. That's by the way where it's name came from, lux flux, flow with the light. We noted this as a natural way of navigation, - anyone would understand that more details regarding a topic would be "behind" that topic. Like in a travelling context someone would flow through a photo of the famous Eiffel-tower to access his Paris journeys. Attractive is especially the feature that this can be done at any point and without an end but most important at any time. So for example if there are more travels to Paris, just add it behind the Eiffel-tower. And if there are even more, just add a new dispatch page above the journeys with, say a year-of-travel dispatch.
The challenge of this approach was to enable this flow through any type of media. For the organization we choosed the hierarchy because our storytellers and presentators could also easily arrange their needed main sequences but would have the possibility to dive into more details at any point. After experimenting with endless paper and scrolling approaches we decided for a fixed display-layout with background media, fast and easily controlled by rulers, where every piece of information can be zoomed fullscreen and then, depending on media-type, further zoomed, panned or scrolled if it is longer text. So the main layout metaphor is to subdivide, starting with the full display.
All of that condensed surprisingly into one multimedia app with intrinsic organisation.
The first development phase was oriented towards establishing the basic system and to be able to work live in the field, just on the devices without any supporting computer system.
Actually we start into the second phase, reacting on feedback, smoother operations, better options, the usual improvements.
But this phase will also expand the media types, enable more control regarding navigation and establish the exchange of content with supporting computer systems.
Luxflux is ongoing R&D, as we more and more use it for documentation, personal memories, diary, notebook, idea transfer, graphic novel design, storyboard, brainstorming, presentation and foremost as escorting inspiration and thinking space.
The screenshots are intended to demonstrate the variability of usage, complexity, applications and the flexibility of design with Luxflux.


Leopold Museum MQ Vienna
Public installation spanning multiple networked touchscreens into one interactive surface.
Dimensional and content related context generation for multiple person synchronized interests.
Additional projections, visualizing the visitors journeys inside the data space.
Outside projection on the Leopold Museum facade of the travel experience.


Swarovski Crystal Worlds
Public installation spanning multiple, networked touchscreens into one interactive surface.
Physical space projected data space context generation of up to 8 visitors at the same moment in time.
Additional large displays, visualizing the visitors journeys inside the data space for up to 20 observers.


Photos copyright by propeller z
Künstlerhaus Vienna
Public web installation for propeller z architects.
A physical space temporarily dedicated to fashion, fashion design and fashion designers.
A public web space to pre-inform about the exhibition and discussion forums.
Style, time, culture and designer dimensions.
A oversized puzzle that pwn3d two levels of Künstlerhaus, a great idea and design by propeller z.

Web published knowledge space centered on the impact of crystal and crystalline structures within technology, science and arts.
A flexible construction set with unlimited amount of elements on an unlimited arrangement space connectable via channel metaphor to generate a living nexus of relations and assoziations. Any mix of navigation and presentation elements with sender and receiver ports, flexible connectable by any amount of channels.
The space traveller creates his own preferred method of navigation and presentation, simple and focussed or complex and assoziative, pure fact or relation based. Dimensional, relational, content based, geo and time navigation. Multimedia, overview, fact, background and story presentation.
Each traveller creates his own spaceship, a reacting, pulsating nexus, answering, questioning and following the traveller on his journey.

Public media installation connecting all GuessClub locations.
Time based media mix composed of art presentations, entertainment and multiple news feeds.
Live DJ interface and location specific event report broadcast for performances and lectures.
Multiple passive projection at the various, themed floors inside and outdoors.
Interactive infopoints for detailed event information, replays, menu selection, ticket booking, chat, etc.



Photo copyright by Vetropack
The technological basis of our projects within very different areas was established over some centuries of research, development and implementation of industrial control and management systems and biological and medical research equipment with worldwide clients and partners.
We produce research and entertainment systems in the same labs as the industry-standard production systems.
It is a very holistic approach to our passion, - the applied fusion of technology, science and the arts.
We live and love the combination of visionary brainstorming, transdisciplinary thinking and solid grounded realizations.